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Yes, they're showing their age and our sound quality has improved immeasurably since then, but these animations marked the genesis of our Flash-as-superhero saga.

Buy yourself some chocolate if you can pick which movie we're parodying!

If you like these, have a gander at some of our other animation.

MXDU 2005 Day 1 - Nectarine

MXDU 2005 DAY 1

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(for all you popup haters)


MXDU 2005 Day 2 - Nectarine

MXDU 2005 DAY 2

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Open in new window
(for all you popup haters)


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Hey, what are you looking down here for? This is just stuff for search engines!

Go on, get away with you!

Oh, okay, look if you must;Nectarine's animation for the MXDU 2005 conference. There's Flash, Cold Fusion, Ruby on Rails, Flex, Apollo, Flashlite. All the Adobe parody goodness you could hope for with a generous serving of sweet downunder piss-taking.

flash, nectarine, adobe,webdu, 2005, Flash, Flex, Ruby on rails, macromedia, cold Fusion, housewife, flash, nectarine, adobe,webdu, 2005, Flash, Flex, Ruby on rails, macromedia, cold Fusion, housewife , flash, nectarine, adobe,webdu, 2005, Flash, Flex, Ruby on rails, macromedia, cold Fusion, housewife , flash, nectarine, adobe,webdu, 2005, Flash, Flex, Ruby on rails, macromedia, cold Fusion, housewife